Care to Share Webinar 9/15 12pm MST

Learn why sharing your Certificates of Analysis supports the legalization of hemp as animal feed!

The Ingredient workgroup of the Hemp Feed Coalition is hosting a Facebook Live webinar on September 15th: 12-1:30 MST.

The webinar will host a panel discussion with: Morgan Elliott (INDHEMP), Gregg Gnecco (Hemp Northwest), Dion Oakes (Oakes, Wright LLC), John Strohfus (Minnesota Hemp Farms), Swan Rey (University of Minnesota Extension) and Vanessa Snyder (Eurofins). The panel will answer questions and discuss the importance of COAs. Why the HFC needs them, how we use them to further the industry as whole, and how you can contribute to ensure hemp is recognized as legal animal feed. 

Hear from the panelists about:

-The difference between hemp being de-illegalized and it being legal

-How sharing your COAs will help the whole industry 

-What data is needed from farmers to send to AAFCO/ FDA-CVM

-How does the information get used?

-What other companies see if you share your data?

-What information is shared with those who contribute COAs?

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HB0396 (2021)(passed) allows naturally occurring plant material, including hemp, to be used in feed for various animals. (HB0396) and (Montana Hemp Feed Policy)

West Virginia
(2020)(approved) Allows hemp products for both human and animal consumption. West Virginia Code §19-12E-5(6).


(2023)(passed) Allows production of hemp products including animal feed. (Va. Code § 3.2-4112 et seq. Chapters 744 and 794 of the 2023 Acts of Assembly)


(2023)(passed) Feed Industry Memos 5-36 (2023) and 5-35 (2023) issue guidance to allow hemp seed meal as a commercial feed ingredient for horses and chickens.

(2018) (passed) Allows the use of industrial hemps in commercial feed. (House Bill No. 1875)


 (2023)(introduced) Plans to allow the use of hemp in commercial animal feed. (Senate Bill No. 407)


(2022)(passed) allows hemp grain and its derivatives for livestock feed. (Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Program Title 2§3-403)

(2019) Allows hemp products for both human and animal consumption. (Ohio Revised Code 928.01.F)

New York

(2023)(introduced) Authorizes hemp seed or products derived from hemp seed for pets and horses. (State Assembly Bill A06435)

New Jersey

(2019) Allows hemp products for both human and animal consumption. (N.J.A.C. 2:25-1)


(2022)(passed) GRAS approval for hemp seed meal & hemp seed oil (12 KAR 2:041)


(2023)(introduced) Allowing hemp fiber, grain and seeds to be used as food for livestock, poultry and pets (HB 2168)


(2018)(passed) No prohibitions on hemp use in animal feed. (AS 03.05.076.)