Hemp Feed Coalition and RE Botanicals partner to highlight the nutritional benefit of hemp for horses with a new webpage and media campaign.

Hemp seed meal, oil and hearts are allowed for humans, but are un-approved as horse feed. The HFC and Re Botanicals has initiated a campaign to educate horse lovers, owners, and regulators that hemp (not CBD) is a safe and exceptional nutritional option for equine diets!

The nutritional profile of hemp by-products makes it an ideal ingredient for horses of all breeds, ages, and roles including pleasure or performance horses working in: racing, showing, roping, herding, and more. Hemp seeds provide high quality proteins and omega fatty acid content that rivals soybeans; and includes a unique omega-6 fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid (GLA), that is not found in flaxseed or other common oils fed to horses. Hemp seed oil is a popular supplement because of its fatty acid profile, but meal (cake) has an average of 30% protein and 10% of these high-quality fats making it a protein supplement with all essential amino acids. Equine Nutritionist, Dr. Clair Thunes is also enthusiastic about the potential of hemp, “These meals can be fed as a top-dress to provide more protein or fat to the ration, depending on the nutrient profile, making them a good option for horses needing to gain weight or develop more topline.”

Hemp has been a reliable feed source for both people and animals for thousands of years across the world. The recent legalization of hemp cultivation in the US has presented opportunities and challenges for both the hemp and equine industries. The process to gain federal approval requires investigation of the ingredient and enough data to prove consistency and safety. “This is the first step to gaining federal approval, and the Hemp Feed Coalition is focused on their role in facilitating research and eventual approvals. “said Hunter Buffington, Executive Director of the HFC.

But, Buffington points out that one of the biggest obstacles is the misunderstanding that hemp by-products equals CBD. Yes, there are trace amounts of cannabinoids in hemp by-products. But the concentrations found are acknowledged by the FDA-CVM as not a concern in their approval of these products for humans. Recognition from the FDA-CVM that hemp oil, meal and hearts are generally recognized as safe by the FDA-CVM for people including children and pregnant moms. With safety proved for humans; the confusion over its legal status for horses remains; especially our competitive performance and race horses where a zero-tolerance environment exists for ANY – even trace amounts of cannabinoids.

The Hemp for Horses campaign hopes to spread the message that the hemp industry is much more than just CBD. RE Botanicals got involved to ensure that horses benefit from the nutritional opportunities presented by hemp. “As a CBD processor I know that there is a huge difference between the cannabinoid and grain marketplace. Grain provides tremendous nutritional benefits. Even though there may be trace amounts of cannabinoids in grain products, we are asking that agencies provide data that shows it is harmful or performance modifying before restrictions are imposed.” Says Janel Ralph, CEO of RE Botanicals.

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HB0396 (2021)(passed) allows naturally occurring plant material, including hemp, to be used in feed for various animals. (HB0396) and (Montana Hemp Feed Policy)

West Virginia
(2020)(approved) Allows hemp products for both human and animal consumption. West Virginia Code §19-12E-5(6).


(2023)(passed) Allows production of hemp products including animal feed. (Va. Code § 3.2-4112 et seq. Chapters 744 and 794 of the 2023 Acts of Assembly)


(2023)(passed) Feed Industry Memos 5-36 (2023) and 5-35 (2023) issue guidance to allow hemp seed meal as a commercial feed ingredient for horses and chickens.

(2018) (passed) Allows the use of industrial hemps in commercial feed. (House Bill No. 1875)


 (2023)(introduced) Plans to allow the use of hemp in commercial animal feed. (Senate Bill No. 407)


(2022)(passed) allows hemp grain and its derivatives for livestock feed. (Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Program Title 2§3-403)

(2019) Allows hemp products for both human and animal consumption. (Ohio Revised Code 928.01.F)

New York

(2023)(introduced) Authorizes hemp seed or products derived from hemp seed for pets and horses. (State Assembly Bill A06435)

New Jersey

(2019) Allows hemp products for both human and animal consumption. (N.J.A.C. 2:25-1)


(2022)(passed) GRAS approval for hemp seed meal & hemp seed oil (12 KAR 2:041)


(2023)(introduced) Allowing hemp fiber, grain and seeds to be used as food for livestock, poultry and pets (HB 2168)


(2018)(passed) No prohibitions on hemp use in animal feed. (AS 03.05.076.)