Next – Hemp Seed Meal for Ruminants
Approved Definitions
Hemp Seed Meal for Laying Hens
New Definition T71.5 Hemp Seed Meal, Mechanical Extracted is the product obtained by grinding or milling the cake, which remains after most of the oil is removed from the seeds of Cannabis sativa L. by a mechanical extraction process. The ingredient must be labeled with guarantees for minimum crude protein and maximum crude fat on an as-fed basis. The meal shall contain no more than 20 ppm of total cannabidiol (Total CBD = CBD + (CBDA x 0.877)) and no more than 2 ppm of total tetrahydrocannabinol (Total THC = delta-9-THC + (THCA x 0.877)). It is used in diets of laying hens as a source of protein and fat at an inclusion of no more than 20% of the diet.